@bderdqn You are using 32 bit java, follow this guide on how to install the correct 64 bit java for multimc to use https://github.com/MultiMC/MultiMC5/wiki/Using-the-right-Java
If you hold the shift key while on that error screen, it will show you where the "me" folder is located.
Normally it is in the AppData folder. To get here, press win + r, then paste in %appdata%\.minecraft\libraries
@sportzpikachu If your still interested if you saved the old instance your waypoints and stuff are still there, to fix your error follow this https://discuss.aristois.net/topic/23/invalid_checksum-error and launch the old instance and you should be fine, sorry about the inconvenience.
@vortexram It is a jar installer you need to run it with java (right-click > open with > java) if you do not java you can get it here https://www.java.com/en/download/ if you have any other problems please let us know.
@lixrd Hello, check your combat settings and make sure it is set to players or players and entities, also ensure that you have either kill auras settings set to all or if set to white list player is added or blacklist player is not added.
@woodcutter It locks your view to the given values, basically it makes your mouse not do anything and only w a s d works and your view is locked to whatever it is set to, you can turn one of them on/off to only have one of the directions locked.
https://youtu.be/DKDZYxGX9mc@binjamin6 Can you give more details on "wouldn't work"? like what exactly went wrong, also could you follow this video ^ and send your log link so we can see what's causing this problem