Optifabric breaking game
Hi! So I'm trying to make optifine work on 1.17.1 2021-08-06-7.txt and it just crashes my game saying error 0
There is no crash or OptiFine in this log. Please upload your latest.log file from .minecraft/logs/latest.log directly after the crash occurs. If the "Fabric screen" pops up with the error, that is important to know.
If you're sure that optifabric is the issue anyways, you can uninstall it by following this: https://discuss.aristois.net/topic/13/how-to-uninstall-optifine-optifine-error-on-startup
Additionally, it says this
[21:25:33] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: Non-Fabric mod JAR at "C:\Users\db331\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\libraries\me\deftware\EMC-F-v2\latest-1.17.1\preview_OptiFine_1.17.1_HD_U_G9_pre32.jar", ignoring
Which means that you attempted to place your optifine jar in the fabric folder, which is not correct. To install it, you need to place OptiFabric in latest-1.17.1 (not optifine) and OptiFine goes in the /mods/ folder.