Questions regarding donation
Here you'll find a collection of all questions asked recently regarding donations.
Where is the donate page / How can I donate?
As of now, we are no longer accepting donations. There is no current possible way to donate, and we will not be opening donations again in the future.
Why aren't you accepting donations anymore?
While specific reasons are personal, we are moving forward to new things in the next stages of life, and this requires that this chapter of Aristois is closed.
Is Aristois being discontinued?
No. It will continue on as normal for the time being with no other changes.
But I really want the donor version?? I'll pay X amount!!
This decision simply isn't about money.
As always stated by the donation terms, the donor version was a "thank you" to those who decided to support development, not a product that was meant to be purchased. Unfortunately, there has always been some sort of misunderstanding of this, causing an unspoken expectation that the donation perks were something to be bought and returned if disliked. We understand that it may feel "unfair" if these perks are no longer available, but please keep in mind that we do not owe you anything, as we never have.
We are, as of current, discussing plans on how to handle the donation perks in a way that will be fair to both free users and previous donors. There is no estimated timeline of this.
I previously donated, what happens then?
People who have already donated have access to their perks as normal via the website. If you have trouble logging into the website due to account loss, please email us ([email protected]).
As mentioned above, we are currently looking into ways to keep this transition fair to those who have previously donated. If you have any concerns or ideas regarding this, feel free to contact us.
We would like to personally thank everyone that has shown us support for all these years. Without you guys, we couldn't have kept Aristois running as we have, and for that we are forever grateful