Aristois lagging after putting render distance 20 or higher
My client just completly disallows putting the render distance 20+, keep in mind i get over 300fps on render distance 19 and on a regular client i play on render distance 27, so i am wondering what the issue could be:
- It's not any of the cheats because i didn't have any turned on at the time of noticing the issue exept performance and movement info.
- Like i probably proved before, it is not my pc it's the client cause not only do can i play on 27 render distance on other clients but also 19 works just fine.
This is not too urgent since 19 render distance is not that bad anyway, but help if you can.
What’s your RAM usage like when it causes lag?
@Dyiing So there is no RAM usage in the performance settings so what I did is open task manager and from there went to performance and tried to quickly alt-tab when I get the biggest amount of lag or maybe even a complete crash. From what i noticed it was just a slight bump, it went from 14.8-9/32GB to 15.1-2/32GB. Why does that matter?
It’s in the top right corner of the F3 menu, shown in MB and percentage
You need to allocate more ram, the lag is from it capping. 3 or 4 gigs should be enough
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