Aristois won't download (Macbook Air)
I tried to use the manual zip file but when I followed the instructions and launch the game. It just comes up with normal Vanilla Minecraft. I did this 5 times with different versions and still does not work. I then tried the Jar installer and it came up on the screen saying, "Unable to find available versions". I am on a 2020 Macbook Big sur and runs smoothly. I have no idea why it does not work. Can anyone help?
Where did you place the manual zip file contents? It's most likely in the wrong location
The "X.XX.X-Aristois" folder should be directly in
, so the path to theX.XX.X-Aristois.json
should be/Application Support/Minecraft/versions/X.XX.X-Aristois/X.XX.X-Aristois.json
Then in the launcher you should create a new profile for that release and launch it.
From the installer error, it's possible that something on the Macbook, such as antivirus programs or the security wall, is blocking the installer from loading. If this is the case, it will also cause issues with the manual zip, as it won't be able to download the correct libraries
Another way to tell that the latter is occurring with the manual zip is if the main menu says "EMC" in the top left corner after attempting to load Aristois. This means that the framework loaded but Aristois libraries could not be downloaded
@dyiing how do i fix that? I did the other step, but still won't work
I can't really help with that, as it's something specific on your macbook. You can look in the firewall
@dyiing What would i be looking for in my firewall settings because there isn't much. And is there anyway for me to use the Jar file
Again, both of the issues are linked, so neither will work if the issue still persists. I'm not sure what you would look for, as I am not familiar with the MacOS firewall. Probably something java related, or related to GitLab/Cloudflare. It's also possible that based on your region GitLab is not accessible.