what happened to 1.18.1?
aristois had 1.18.1 last week and i was able to play i got on today and it was deleted from my launcher iopened aristois.jar to get it again and it just wasnt there there was a gap between 1.17.1 and 1.18.2 and it was like it was never there this is a big problem for me my friend has a private anarchy server and now i cant play on it plz fix this
deftware Administratorreplied to Bunnedoesgames on Nov 20, 2022, 3:04 PM last edited by deftware Nov 20, 2022, 3:05 PM
@bunnedoesgames Hey, you can install Multiconnect in ESC > Addons to join 1.18.1 servers with Minecraft 1.18.2
@deftware not for this server it doesnt
@bunnedoesgames Sorry for the confusion, if you use Aristois 1.19.2 you can install the Multiconnect addon in ESC > Addons, then join the 1.18.1 server. (I edited my message to say to use 1.18.2 with the addon, but it looks like it wasn't available for that version, so use 1.19.2 instead)
@deftware ty but it would still be nice to get 1.18.1 back cuz of 1.19.1 chat reporting
There are Fabric mods like this one to exclude chat reporting: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/no-chat-reports
@deftware it worked for a while but is there 1.19.3 multiconnect because i do not see it in the addons menu and if ii try to join 1.18.1 server it still says "cannot join server im still on 1.18.1"
It's not been added by us on recent versions because it was in beta and causing issues with other mods. You can find them and use them at your own risk here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/multiconnect/files
The addons marketplace supports up to 1.19.2