Multi config
I would like to know if there is a method to have several Aristois config on the same version but for different worlds.
Exemple :
I'm in 1.21.1 on world name CoD. I have Flight config in key FI log out and I go on my 2nd world named PvP and when I go on this world KillAura is set to F (flight is not config).
I know the 2 methods* but it is not exactly what I am looking for or then I misunderstood them.
Thank you for your time and your answers
You can use the .config command for this
It is going to overwrite the current settings/file you have and they will not be saved, so you should save what you want to first.
Yes, correct. It will only be rewritten if you run .config save with the exact same name again. And only be deleted if you use the delete command
The saved configs are stored in a different folder than the "currently loaded" config file, and when you load a config it will take the data from your save to change the current settings