A list of pretty serious bugs
Client is on 1.20.4
Bug A
When a warden spawns and starts agroing the player it starts it freeze the client, every 5s or so. the freezing only lasts for a second or two. Requires the player to be in survival or the warden to be attacking.Error A
https://pastebin.com/m1heWziqBug B
When a entity masked with a player entity (Add player packets sent with the id of the entity sent by the server make the entity look like its a player/npc.) orientates its head (I assume as it works while walking/being moved around). This completely halts the client until the mob dies/gets unload/stop orientating its head. This should not happen since on vanilla client it does work prefectly. Also to add, this worked on 1.19.4 clientsError B
https://pastebin.com/BG77zhVkBug C
Sodium + Aristois xray does not allow for disabling of transparent blocks such as signs, chests and skulls. The blocks show up as non-selected in aristois. I dont know if this is a possible fixable bug. -
Bonus bug:
you cant delete quickmenu keybind (used to be possible). It resets to default when your client resets -
This post is deleted!
Thanks, we'll look into it
Bug A looks to be a Minecraft issue, see https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-226654
I'm not sure if Bug B is due to Aristois either
@dino said in A list of pretty serious bugs:
Bonus bug:
you cant delete quickmenu keybind (used to be possible). It resets to default when your client resetsThis has been fixed now
After a lot of testing i have come to the conclusions:Bug A:
It is most definitely a aristois bug furthermore the linked bug report is for 1.17 and resolved. as stated the client is on 1.20.4. After testing i'm pretty sure its due to vibration particles when the player moves. When the player moves the player is supposed to see a particle move towards the wardens head. On the aristois client it does never appear and it seems to happen at the same time. During a vanilla client all seems normal. It is defintely due to vibration particles in some way also shown in the logs.Bug B:
I will take the L it seems mojang fricked up somewhere between 1.19.4-1.20.4 vanilla however this is fixed in newer versions.Bug C :
Any ideas/updates on this bug?