Killaura/Multiaura Not working
@mastermind5231 [0_1615353964394_Minecraft_Trim.mp4](Uploading 100%)
@mastermind5231 Did you enable Attack behind walls in the combat settings? The hitboxes are hidden so unless that option is enabled, it will not attack through tiny holes
@dyiing Its disabled. It works fine last night even when these hostile mobs gang up on me Multiaura was working.
The moment aristois got updated i think this morning. in my time. Suddenly multiaura and killaura are not working.
@mastermind5231 Just tried it on my end and they're working fine. I noticed that you have AntiBot on. Make sure the "Color" setting in antibot is disabled, or disable antibot itself, as it interferes with kill/multiaura.
@dyiing Yep That worked. Thank you! Btw what's the default for it? the configuration of antibot
@mastermind5231 Not sure. You can use
.setting AntiBot
to reset specific things