No launcher profile.json in my folder.
Hey! so im a linux user and minecraft has support on linux. I've tried numerous hacked clients such as wurst n stuff but they dont work becuase I do not have a launcher profile.json file in my .minecraft folder. I have tried installing fabric which doesnt also install unless i uncheck "create a profile". I would really like a fix for this issue just in general becuase im trying to download optifine and hacked clients so it would mean a lot thanks lol.
Why would that cause an issue?
If the installer isn't working because of it, there's also manual zip files that won't create a profile.
@dyiing heres the video.
If it doesn't appear under releases then the launcher couldn't update the files. The profile json has no relation to releases
Restart your PC, or ensure absolutely all Minecraft-related windows are closed before creating a release.
To use the manual zip, you drag the folder inside of the zip into the versions folder, then create a new profile.
@dyiing hi. so i tried everything. i opened up my system monitor (task manager) and checked if any minecraft windows are open. none were so i continued with the installation. i opened 1.19 closed it. made sure it wasnt open in system monitor and opened aristois installer. opened mc launcher open again and again nothing. no releases anything. i checked the .minecraft and it is in fact in the versions folder. I do not know what the problem is but i really want it to be resolved soon
Try the manual zip, not the installer