Seed X-Ray
There is a small issue that Im having with the Seed-Xray. Usually when I go for iron or coal, the xray is spot on, and always accurate. However, when I switch to trying to find diamonds, it drops down to being accurate maybe 30-40% of the time?
Something to note is that the seed xray doesn't even look for deepslate diamonds, it looks for regular ones. However, even with this, I'm still sometimes able to find diamonds at the marked locations.
This isn't really a bug, because Im still able to obtain diamonds using the xray, just wanted to bring this up and see if other people are also having this issue, or if its me thats having the issue solely.
What version are you trying on, and what version is the server world generated in?
dse_dontsshreplied to Dyiing on Jan 31, 2022, 3:29 PM last edited by dse_dontssh Jan 31, 2022, 3:35 PM
Server is running 1.18.1
Aristois is running 1.18.1 (Latest)Some other details:
Not running shaders