I don't think there's a way to fix this. I used to even have this issue with standalone Baritone installations in other Fabric modpacks/clients.

Baritone clickable help menu -
how to turn off this?Aristois is not a ghost client. There are better alternatives that render the entire menu on a different layer and inject into vanilla clients instead. Aristois is essentially a Fabric mod-set, achieving a hacked client the same way Wurst did for Forge.
Consider Vape Lite for servers where you're not supposed to be hacking but still want to attempt to. Aristois is more geared for anarchy and places where hacked clients are allowed. That's the official narrative at least. (Which is probably just for ToS/EULA reasons, since we have stuff like anti-bot..)
Change discuss.aristois.net linked mc accountHijacking, but...
There's a donator tag...? Since when? o_O
Can`t start minecraft@silviu I personally have no issues with pirating the game, but in that case I really don't think trying to get support for mods for your pirated copy is the best decision.
Can`t start minecraft@silviu Why would you pirate the game and expect support for your issues?
Optifine addon for 1.19.1/1.19.2Iris (a native fabric alternative to Optifine) is quite a good alternative. I've started using it over Optifine exclusively. It supports almost all the same shaders that Optifine does without any support libraries needing to be installed, and it runs about 3-4x better than Optifine could ever dream of. I easily get 120+ FPS at 32 chunks with Sildurs' Vibrant Extreme Volumetric Lighting shaders with Iris.
There is a downside however, that Iris usually seems to cause a transparent entity glitch when run with Aristois. I have been able to fix the issue, but I can't honestly tell you how if you have it. I installed a few libraries for other client side mods and cleaned out all my MC installations and it seemed to have solved the issue for me.
You can install it as a Fabric mod the same way you install other Fabric mods with Aristois. Navigate to .minecraft/libraries/me/deftware/EMC-F-v2, select your version and pop the .jar files in there.
If you want to use an Optifine cape that you may have with Iris, there's a mod called 'Fabric Capes' (Edit: It used to be called Capes+ iirc, but seems to have been renamed.) that allows you to use it despite not running Optifine. It has a library dependency mod but I've had no conflicts yet.
Good luck!