@dyiing How can I get the donor tag?

Change discuss.aristois.net linked mc account -
Change discuss.aristois.net linked mc accountI just realized my discuss.aristois.net minecraft account is my alt, and I want to change it to my main.
Add to SeedRayI just donated and I am testing the donor perks, but I can't figure out how to (Or if you) can add custom blocks to the SeedRay/
Missing VersionsI noticed that some Minecraft versions are missing from Aristois (Like 1.16.4), Is there a reason for this?
Suspicious DownloadIt did come from AdFly, thanks for the reply!
Suspicious DownloadI downloaded aristois from https://aristois.net/download, And it gave me a .iso file called "Your File Is Ready To Download.iso".
Is this the correct file?
Shouldn't it be a .jar file? -
PayPal DonationsCan you donate with PayPal? I don't like to enter my card into online stores.