TheAltening Forge Issues
Heya, i've been having issues trying to get TheAltening working for the Forge 1.12.2 version of Aristois. It works just fine on Vanilla 1.12.2 but when I try to use the Forge version (both on the Vanilla Launcher and CurseForge launcher) it instead gives me the response shown in the second image.
I've reinstalled it multiple times already and each time I reinstalled it also let it launch twice to double check. Each time it has given the same result.
Any help would be welcomed thanks. -
@sol This seems to be a bug on our side, to fix this you will need to manually edit the forge version JSON to add the altening library. Follow these steps:
Go to
.minecraft/versions/(MC version)-forge-(forge version)/
and open the(MC version)-forge-(forge version).json
with a text editor. For example, it could be1.16.4-forge-35.1.0
as the folder and1.16.4-forge-35.1.0.json
as the file -
Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file and add these lines after the second of the last curly bracket (also add a comma)
{ "name": "com.thealtening.auth:auth:3.0.2", "url": "" }
In the end it should look like this, do make sure the brackets match and that there is a comma at the bracket you pasted on, look closely
Save the file and close it, close your game and launcher then re-open the launcher and launch.
That's it! this should fix your problem but if it does not or you crash then you can try to follow these things:
Make sure the things you added to the file match the screenshot and make sure it is saved.
Make sure you closed the launcher and the game.
If you still need help then send a of your JSON file and/or the crash if it does crash so I can help further.