Triggerbot - Improvement, Suggestion
First improvement: first please make the cooldown into delay and make it we can select delay from 1 to 500
First suggestion: an option in "Priority" name "Focus Mode" and below it "Focus Max Distance"
in "Focus Mode" explination:
the first Player hit by triggerbot will make the attacked player as a target by Triggerbot so triggerbot wont attack any other entity/mobs/player until that "Targeted Player of Triggerbot" die or go far away from us (around 100 blocks)
now "Max Focus Distance" will be a selection in which we can choose the distance in blocks
from "Max Focus Distance" : 1 to 100
This will Remember the targeted player by triggerbot until the "targeted player" go away from the "Focus Max Distance" as mentioned above;Suggestion 2: new option in triggerbot: Hit Mode; "Always", "Only Crits", "Both"
"Always" will make triggerbot work without any delay between hits it will keep hitting. like we do sweeping (this is normally how triggerbot works without any modification) (whatever cooldown we have set)
"Only Crits" will not hit the entity/player/mobs normally but it will only do crit hits
for example: if we are falling then triggerbot will work and hit the entity if we are aiming on it and it will be a crit hit/
"Both" as the word showing its combination of "Always" and "Only Crits" it will do sweeps hits too and if we are falling then it will wait and try to do "Crit Hit"
i hope you understand this oneSuggestion 3: an option "Only Weapons" or "Sword or Axe" if this option is turned on (checked) then Triggerbot will only work/hit when we are holding A Weapon or 'Sword' , 'Axe'.
Suggestion 4: an option named "SimulateMousePress"
explaination: we have different types of keystrokes which shows our Keys movement such as W , A , S , D and LMB (left mouse button) and (Right Mouse button) every client have this feature (for ex: lunar, feather, badlion or KroonHud as a fabric mod for tlaunchers)
so "SimulateMousePress" will show hits that are doing by triggerbot in Keystrokes
as you know, if we hit/click it shows in LMB (in keystrokes) so if triggerbot hit/click it will shows in LMB (in keystrokes) -
in "Max Focus Distance" if the target go away from the selection then triggerbot will hit a new target and make that hit player as a target
+1, Option 4 especially
+1, Option 4 especially
If you use criticals with triggerbot it should automatically do crits
@deftware im talking about mixer of critic & sweeps will do both its not based on cooldown because it will manage itself.
like when there is a opportunity to do a critical hit then triggerbot will surely do and when there is no opportunity to do a critical hit then it will do normal sweeps attack the cooldown of sweep will be based on what cooldown we're using