Arch linux completely broken
game doesnt load with forge installed, forge mods load but client does not
┌─[@Navi]─[~/.minecraft/mods] └──╼ ❯❯❯ tree -f . ├── ./baritone-api-1.10.1.jar ├── ./baritone-standalone-forge-1.10.1.jar ├── ./BiomesOPlenty-1.20.1- ├── ./cupboard-1.20.1-2.6.jar ├── ./EMC.jar ├── ./ferritecore-6.0.1-forge.jar ├── ./geckolib-forge-1.20.1-4.4.4.jar ├── ./immersive_paintings- ├── ./SimpleLogin-1.20.1-1.0.2-all.jar ├── ./smoothchunk-1.20.1-3.6.jar ├── ./sound-physics-remastered-forge-1.20.1-1.3.1.jar ├── ./TerraBlender-forge-1.20.1- ├── ./voicechat-forge-1.20.1-2.5.13.jar └── ./yesstevemodel-1.20-release-1.1.5-hotfix-2.jar 1 directory, 14 files ┌─[@Navi]─[~/.minecraft/mods] └──╼ ❯❯❯
as notated here the mods are present but do not load, if possible can one of the staff just ssh into me and fix it for me or gimme soem detailed commands because nto even ym custom AI assistant can help
FYI its arch im running
┌─[@Navi]─[~/Downloads] └──╼ ❯❯❯ neofetch -` navi@Navi .o+` --------- `ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 `+oooo: Host: OptiPlex 9020M 00 `+oooooo: Kernel: 6.8.7-hardened1-2-hardened -+oooooo+: Uptime: 1 hour, 3 mins `/:-:++oooo+: Packages: 1482 (pacman), 44 (flatpak) `/++++/+++++++: Shell: zsh 5.9 `/++++++++++++++: Resolution: 1920x1080 `/+++ooooooooooooo/` DE: Xfce 4.18 ./ooosssso++osssssso+` WM: Xfwm4 .oossssso-````/ossssss+` WM Theme: Chicago95 -osssssso. :ssssssso. Theme: Chicago95 [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] :osssssss/ osssso+++. Icons: Chicago95 [GTK2], Material-Black-Mango-Numix-FLAT [GTK3] /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- Terminal: xfce4-terminal `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- Terminal Font: Less Perfect DOS VGA 12 `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: CPU: Intel i5-4590T (4) @ 3.000GHz `++:. `-/+/ GPU: Intel HD Graphics .` `/ Memory: 2363MiB / 3830MiB ┌─[@Navi]─[~/Downloads] └──╼ ❯❯❯
ignore the abysmal stats but nevertheless please help and contact me at [email protected] (as i accidentally used one of my deleted emails to register)