Is Aristois safe?
Short answer:
- Yes, Aristois is 100% safe to use, as long as you download it from our official website, and do not press anything on the adfly page.VirusTotal -
Longer answer:
- Aristois files that come directly from our website are official and are guaranteed to be safe. We cannot guarantee that a download from a third-party website will be safe, especially if the file has been reuploaded. The Aristois-Free installer is a .zip file, and we do not use .exe. We encourage users to only download the mod from, which will redirect to our GitLab.The only "real" threat that is uncontrollable by us is the content displayed on the adfly page. Unfortunately we do not control what is displayed on these pages. As long as you do not click on anything except for "Skip ad" you will be fine. Keep in mind that an infected webpage is not the same as a virus on your computer. Simply close the window and it will be gone. If you are having difficulties with the adfly, you can use the direct download link here.
Our installer is a .jar file, because it is universal for most operating systems. It's common that some browsers, operating systems, and antivirus softwares give a warning to .jar files. If you were to try and install forge, optifine, or other similar mods, you will get the exact same error. This is just a standard warning, and doesn't mean the file is actually harmful.
If you do not want to use the .jar installer, we have manual zip files available on the download page as well. They are simply a .json file.
While Aristois itself is not open sourced, the framework, installer, marketplace, and many other parts are. You can see them here and here
If you have any more questions about how safe Aristois is to use, please don't hesitate to DM me @dyiing or @deftware, or email us!