@ez4hyperwolf Pay pal is the safest way to pay, paypal is what amazon uses and most other large companies. You can do more research if you would like. You can also directly use your card by donating through stripe. Stripe is also a largely used way to pay. aristois.net/donate
Can i Donate with a Paysafecard? -
Is the Aristois Installer not working?Anyone having trouble launching the installer with java even though you have java installed, you can run them in a .bat file. To do this you have to go to desktop, right click on an open space, then click new file. Rename the file aristois.bat then right click the file and select edit. Then edit the file in note pad.
Then use this code.java -jar {Full file location here}
For example,java -jar C:\Users\seamonkey\Downloads\Aristois-Donor.jar
Then of course save the code and then run the file