@lknotok omfg I just realised I accidentally turned on name protect
It's confirmed: I am dumb.

Am I dumb or is this a feature? -
Am I dumb or is this a feature?Shortly after using the .panic command, my name was changed to Notch. I thought it was just the mods in the minecraft server messing with me but I figured out that wasn't true when I joined a different server, and my name was still Notch, when my name is actually LKnotOK. Seems whenever I talk in chat, "Notch" comes up in place of my name.
Either this is a feature of one of your mods or I'm being dumb. Please do help!
Timer issue?@deftware it's somehow fixed itself, but yes, I had replay mod.
Timer issue?@dyiing 1.16.5, i've bound it to the M key and it does nothing, changes nothing.
Timer issue?My timer hack doesn't seem to be working. I've tried adjusting the speed and turning on and off TPSsync, nothing. Any help?
Replay Mod?@eny25 how do i do so?
Replay Mod?Can I use Replay Mod and how do I access the recorded files?
I've placed the mod in .minecraft\libraries\me\deftware\EMC-F-v2\latest-1.16.5 but i can't see where the button to see recorded stuff is. -
How do I fix this? I'm not too good with mods.I have no clue how to solve this and would like help.
I've tried deleting optifine and optifabric, and when I enter again to re-install optifine, optifabric comes back.
Then, when i try to start my client, this happens. How do i fix it?