Right now, when using elytra fly, the closest thing to what impact has is the dampen feature, but it doesn’t work for moving sideways and backwards really, and you still slowly move down. On other clients like impact, the elytra hacks act more like flying in creative mode or freecam. By not pressing anything you stay perfectly still in the air, but if you use and directional key you can move with linear acceleration. This would moving around precisely much easier, aswell as flying through tunnels easier. Also, the ability to have some kind of elytra fall damage disable would be nice, often even if seems like you shouldn’t take fall damage, with the current elytra fly you do. Some sort of safe landing option? But the main thing I was asking about was the movement. Also mabye some way to lock movement along an axis would be nice, like for the tunnel example I said earlier.
Anyway, it’s really the only feature that ever makes me go away from aristois and onto impact client. I love aristois and it’s my go to client, I’m a donor and have recommended it to many friends, this just seems like the one feature that’s missing that would be super helpful.
Thanks for all the work you do